Our Story

We’re here to

Help You!


Founded by Maddie Mortimer, a woman on a mission to turn rock bottom into a new beginning. Maddie experienced her own version of rock bottom physically, mentally and financially when she lost her love for herself and care for the world after a life of hardship that began with a severe eating disorder.

Maddie is a survivor of teenage anorexia, between the ages of 13-17 Maddie battled the disease which took its toll on her health and her family. Having been classified as one of the worst 3 cases in the country the light at the end of the tunnel was dim for Maddie. Today the other 2 cases are no longer with us to tell their story.

Not only has Maddie survived the most crippling body image-related disorder, but Maddie also turned her life around with health and fitness, overcoming a life-crippling addiction to intravenous drug abuse. During this time Maddie lost her own father to suicide and felt the repercussions of this.

Our Values

Family changed everything for Maddie

From being homeless and pregnant, living in a car with 4 dogs and her partner – it was Maddie’s new young family that gave her the purpose and passion needed to turn her entire life around.

We exist to teach people that a feeling of rock bottom in life isn’t an end game situation or destination, it is ultimately a fresh start and a true beginning and that’s where the magic happens.

With a strong enough purpose and the right guidance we are here to empower our clients to change their lives through their daily habits.

True to our name, functional fat loss, we are about the minimal effective dose and here to give you what works to help enhance your quality of life.

When life gets hard, health doesn’t have to. Your health will fuel your best quality of life and we are here to give you the tools needed to transform your world, one day at a time.

This is your Fresh Start!

  • If you’re tired of starting again
  • If you’re tired of starting again If you feel like you’ve tried everything and it hasn’t worked
  • If you’ve lost your motivation altogether

Together we can transform your health & wellness so that you can become the best version of YOU!

Book your free goal-setting call with Maddie to learn more about how we can help you.

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Your Functional Fat Loss Formula

Helping men and women around Australia lose THOUSANDS of kilograms